Friday, March 9, 2012

Making a boring product viral

I was forwarded a video ad this week by a friend of mine. As soon as I watched it and laughed multiple times throughout I have decided to give it Ad of the Year already. Why? Because this company took a boring product and managed to make a hilarious ad that has gone viral. The quality of the ad itself is very good, so clearly they didn't film it on their iPhone. So they may have spent some money on the ad itself, but they don't need to spend a single dollar on media because the masses are doing it for them. The company is called Dollar Shave Club and they have a great offer to go along with their brilliant video. Here is the video:

Check out the rest of their website at This is the type of brilliant company that will be a goldmine for Mike the founder. As a male I can confirm that I am always shocked by how much razors cost in a store, and I always forget to buy new razors so if I can get a razor delivered to me each month for $1, then you've got my attention already.

Love the video, love the brand, and i'm sure they are getting a tonne of traction from this. When was the last time you wanted to forward a video or a website dedicated to razors?

This whole brand and campaign give hope to the boring brands out there. It just shows that with a little creativity and not taking a stuffy corporate approach to advertising can have a big impact.

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