Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Magnifique Re-Gift!

After I just created my post on re-gifting your brand yesterday, this pops up


An exhibit of nothing!

Now from what i've heard it is normal for there to be some empty rooms at the Pompidou Exhibition Centre because they don't always have pieces to put in them. So why not combine them all together and turn it into a PR landslide, by claiming it is actually a new exhibit!

No its not, it's an empty set of rooms. You can have as many artists saying it is a radical concept and explaining in their ramblings that it allows people to be "free for a moment to think about what we are going to do".

It's a series of empty rooms, because you didn't have anything to put there. Congratulations to your marketing team, a brilliant Re-gift. Not many people can pull off the re-gift of nothingness and turn it into a huge win for their company.

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