Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Powerpoint, the rubix cube of technology? I don't think so

I am from the younger generation, the web saavy generation if you will so it is tougher for me to grasp the concept of not being able to work technology. But is there really an excuse for not knowing how to work a powerpoint presentation???? It really should be unfathomable. It's not like as a presenter you don't think about the talk you are going to give and maybe write out some notes in preparation. So why would you not take the 5 minutes to learn how to use powerpoint? I say this because I was at a symposium yesterday and 1 out of 6 speakers seemed fully capable of using their powerpoint. 1 out of 6!!!!! That is an embarassing number. These were all BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS who were experts in their field, yet they struggled with issues such as exiting a presentation and opening their own.....come on. There is no excuse for not knowing how to work a powerpoint presentation on a laptop. You could put a monkey up there with 30 minutes of instructions and he could pull it off almost flawlessly. His hands might mash the keyboard a little too much but he would get through his presentation on climate change.

Just a little bit of ranting on a hump-day from this guy.

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