Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Idiocy of Man

We live in a world where you basically have eyes on you all the time whether you like it or not. Cell phone cameras, webcams, security cams, bloggers, twitterers, facebookers and all have the power to capture and spread something throughout the world in a matter of minutes if not seconds.

So why have people not caught on? Why are there so many morons out there that can't seem to get this through their thick skulls. How come every day when I watch the news or turn on my computer it seems another person has been caught in an act of idiocy. And its not like these people tend to be the unwashed/uneducated percentage of the population. Today it was police officers in Australia making a drunk aboriginal dance for them.....ON CAMERA. Okay mates, heres the deal:

a. You are morons
b. Why would you actually film your moronicness
c. Do you really think that in this digital age you will be able to control the spread of your video???
d. You are such morons
e. You are more than likely fired, congratulations.

Maybe this is a positive to take out of the digital age, morons will expose themselves and everyone will know who they are. They will end up paying for their uncaring, idiotic, racist tendencies and thats about the best result possible.

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