Monday, September 22, 2008

Writer's Block...or just Lazy Brain

Why can I not think of a new blog posting? It's just the same old thoughts that keep coming up in my head. Writer's block? I have no imagination? No creativity????.........

Nope, my brain is just lazy according to an article from Fast Company Magazine.

"The brain is fundamentally a lazy piece of meat. It doesn't want to waste energy. That's why there is a striking lack of imagination in most people's visualization of a beach sunset. It's an iconic image, so your brain simply takes the path of least resistance and reactivates neurons that have been optimized to process this sort of scene."

So thats great. Now I have to work out to stay in shape and somehow find the time to work out my brain also! Sheesh it is never ending. But according to the article the more you experiment and enjoy new experiences the more workout your brain undergoes because it has to process all this crazy, out of place stuff. So that is why social networks, and reading blogs, and heck even travelling and experiencing new things is so important for marketers and other creative types. It allows you to exercise your brain. Now I think i've stumbled onto a way to expense a trip to Thailand.

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